Freedom of speech misused..

Most people like to talk and share their views on everything. It seems to give a boost to go to their ego as they feel others will respect them for the knowledge and information they seem to have. How many talk or observe or listen responsibly ? Do they really know the facts before sharing ? Do they manipulate information to boost their ego ? Do they avoid spreading rumors for fun ? Do they avoid harming people or views of other people when they say things? These are all dangerous habits which seems to have set into our culture. This will lead to a situation where nothing said can be believed and everyone will be far from the truth. One must try and practice talking with responsibility, hearing carefully to avoid confusions, and seeing smartly without a bias.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Aladdin Pais
    Mar 03, 2014 @ 19:31:58

    Very true Ceekay…. that’s why guess God gave us two ears and one mouth.

    To hear attentively and to talk less.

    Keep writing – what news about the two books you were to bring out ?

    Please keep me informed.


    Aladdin Pais

