Why do people hate people…

Everyone propogates that love is the only way to peace and prosperity, Yet more and more people have imbibed a culture to hate other people. It is reaching a stage of unconditional hate for others.

Reasons are plenty. Differences in Religion, country, monetory status, education, state, locality, color, looks, caste, propaganda, politics, history, poverty, language, occupation etc are all becoming reasons to hate one another.

Some hate people to boost thier ego, some hate to show their superiority, some hate out of greed and some hate out of jealousy. Some hate to just belong to a group who hate others.

Hate is an energy which may create a temporary feeling of being superior but goes on to create a lot of stress in both the hater and the hated.

You have a choice to hate, ignore, change or love another person. One can help create a world full of love or a world full of hate. Once the hate takes over love in this world, the world will become a very uncomfortable space to live in.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Venkata Dasari
    May 11, 2020 @ 09:04:59

    Hatred spreads negativity. Hate is an individual perspective but that can be changed by the positive people around.

